Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Another joke to share with you guys before I post the next book review!! Enjoy yah!!

An elderly couple went to watch a contest for the strongest bull.

After the contest they went to the 3rd prize bull's owner, wanting to know what his secret was.

The woman asked; "How do you make your bull so strong?"

The owner said; "You have to make sure the bull makes love once a week."

The woman turned to her husband and said; "See!"

The old man was displeased but said nothing.

They then went to the 2nd prize bull's owner and the old woman asked the same question, to which the owner replied; "You must make sure your bull makes love 2 or 3 times a week."

Again the woman turned to her husband and said; "See! See!"

The old man was annoyed but remained silent.

They then went to the 1st prize bull's owner and again the old woman asked the same question. The reply was; "You must make sure your bull makes love at least once every day."

The woman turned to her husband and said; "See! See! See!"

This time the old man got angry and asked the owner; "But does your bull always make love to the same cow?"

The owner replied; "No, no. Many many cows."

The old man quickly turned to the old woman and said; "SEE! SEE! SEE! SEE!"


1 comment:

SaeWei said...

OMG!!!... HAHAHAHAHHA... tai sei the wife for "see see see" the husband.. If the husband do what the bulls did.. she sure eng kai one..